We were honoured to host Mr Wang Yongli, Minister Counsellor for Education at the Chinese Embassy, and his colleague Mr Li Xiaopeng, First Secretary, at Uppingham School on Thursday 21st March.
Accompanied by seven members of the Chinese media our guests toured the School, taking great interest in the origins of the School’s foundation in 1584, Queen Elizabeth 1 granting charter in 1587, through to learning how the School grew under our eminent 19th Century Headmaster, Edward Thring, and our ambitions today, both in the UK and the Far East.
Hosted by Dr Richard Maloney, our guests were treated to a performance of Stanford’s Magnificat in C by the Chapel Choir and were able to immerse themselves in some practical classes in the Science Centre.
The School’s Senior Adviser in China, Professor Charles Cao Quin, accompanied the visitors. Professor Cao Quin has been a trusted adviser to the School for 12 years, and in acknowledgement of his great support and guidance, a paver was unveiled on the OU Terrace.

Below are links to some of the coverage from the Chinese Media: