We wholeheartedly congratulate Uppingham’s Upper Fifth pupils on their excellent and impressive GCSE achievements.
Despite the challenges of national lockdowns, this year group deserves the highest praise for their mature and focussed approach to their learning, enabling them to successfully rise above those hurdles.
Their outstanding efforts have resulted in 53% of all examinations being graded 9-8, and three-quarters at 9-7.
Headmaster of Uppingham School, Dr Richard Maloney, says: “We congratulate the Upper Fifth who have done brilliantly in their GCSEs. The dedication and commitment they have put into their studies over the past two years has come to splendid fruition.
The pupils have been unstintingly supported by their teachers and support staff, and it is particularly pleasing to see their combined efforts rewarded with such terrific results.
We look forward to welcoming the pupils back in September. I have no doubt they will enter the Sixth Form with enthusiasm as they begin the next stage of their Uppingham careers – both academically and beyond the classroom.”