Many congratulations to our 2022 Leavers, who received their A level results this morning.
Uppingham has returned to being a thriving hub of activity. Although this year’s Upper Sixth students have experienced a disrupted journey, including sitting public examinations for the first time in their school career, the way they have approached their studies has been truly inspirational. They have demonstrated a positive mindset, maturity, and enthusiasm throughout their Sixth Form. They led their peers superbly and have been great role models to the younger pupils. We are enormously proud of them as people.
In their examinations, 30% of grades awarded were A* or equivalent, with 66 (37%) of the year group achieving straight A*A grades, and of those 15 achieved straight A*s. The fact that 91% of their grades were at A*, A, or B, reflects the tremendous effort the entire Uppingham community has put in over the past two years to bounce back from the pandemic.
Headmaster of Uppingham School, Dr Richard Maloney, says: “We send our whole-hearted congratulations to our 2022 leavers on their brilliant A level results.
It takes a community to make a school, and despite the challenges of the past few years, our school community has come together, been there for one another and, consequently, we have emerged stronger. Our Upper Sixth pupils have demonstrated exceptional resilience in the face of uncertainty, yet they never lost their enthusiasm for all the School has to offer. Likewise, the support offered throughout that time by my talented and committed colleagues – both teaching and support staff - has been unimpeachably brilliant.
The Upper Sixth’s results are the outcome of their hard work, and it is important on results day in particular, that we pause and take time to congratulate these young people for all they have achieved both in the classroom and beyond.
Our leavers, in common with young people across the country, are entering adulthood with many challenges ahead, however they do so as capable, resilient, determined, and engaging people, going forward and embracing the opportunities of the future with the sense of responsibility they need to make a positive and transformational impact on the world around them.”